Autobot Drift, one of the Transformers characters in the IDW comics universe. The story about redemption. My first impression of Autobot Drift, some badass cybertronian Samurai that takes confrontation up close and personal.
Continue readingAutobot Drift, one of the Transformers characters in the IDW comics universe. The story about redemption. My first impression of Autobot Drift, some badass cybertronian Samurai that takes confrontation up close and personal.
Continue readingTransformers the Movie (TFTM) made in the year 2007 has brought Transformers back in to the main stream. Of course it is not without controversy, name calling or mud sling between Transformers fan. The Transformers fans is divided between the G1 purist and non purist.
What was transpired then, has actually breath a new life in to the Transformers fandom. The Leader Class Optimus Prime was indeed the pinacle of Transformers toy. Although it is lack of accuracy to the actual Movie Optimus Prime. It was indeed a Transformers toy that every Transformers fan wish to have.
With the new movie a new Leader Class Optimus Prime were released. Which one of the Leader Class Optimus Prime is better.
Continue readingHasbro Revenge of the Fallen (ROTF) leader class is definitely the most movie accurate representation of Optimus Prime in both the 2007 and 2009 Transformers Movie.
This toy easily outdone any Takara masterpiece Transfromers in term of details, complexity of transformation and playability. Out of the box, Optimus Prime is in his robot mode ready to be pose with various pose. Transforming Prime into the SemiTruck is very complicated and it shows superb engineering of current toys compared to the G1 transformers.
Continue readingMegatron, is one of the early arch-villian type any kid born in the 1980s can relate to. Ruthless, megalomania but with a virtue honor. Of course, a story needs a villian and a hero. Megatron just answered the call.
Takara and Hasbro has reimagined the G1 Megatron and give it a futuristic looking short barreled revolver. At its gun mode it is just fit nicely how a compact modern pistol supposed to fit any adult´s hand. The Henkei version looks better than the Classics Megatron.
Continue readingIt is rather a delayed review for this figure. Photo were taken before the Queensbay Mall Transformers Convention with TransMYians during June. Nevertheless, personally I prefer this version rather than its Hasbro counter part. Ordered it from HLJ during a discount for this toys, was in luck for retail store in my place of residence is over priced.
If you do not know, in Japan and in most area of far east Asia Transformers purist will simply call Optimus Prime in the far east Asia as Convoy.
Autobot is known as Cybertrons and Decepticons is known as Destrons. A bit confusing but you will get the hang of it.
Continue readingThe first day of the Transformers Convention starts with a bitsy tweak on the displays.
Continue readingMy buddies in the TransMY have sweat it off by arranging the concourse in Queensbay Mall for the up coming convention this weekend from the 26th till 28th June 2009.
Continue readingReconstructed by Unicron from the broken body of Megatron. Galvatron were entrusted to destroy the Autobot Leadership Matrix.
Born/remade/reformat from the broken body of the Decepticons/Destron undisputed leader; Megatron . Galvatron is the new embodiment of the Decepticons/Destron new generation leader.
Resisting the temptation to sleep longer on a cool rainy Saturday morning. Waking up as early as 7.30am GMT +8 on the 30th May 2009. On an empty stomach armed only with a camera, drove the car for 20 minutes under such harsh but nice-to-sleep weather to Gurney Plaza (Gurney drive, Penang, Malaysia) for a hunt.
The ultimate prey of the hunt, an alpha male of the group in red, blue and grey. A priced and ultimate prey for all the hunters, nick named Big Bot.
Upon reaching the destination, parked the car in a cost effective area (saving of RM3). Braved through a series of maze and labyrinth cargo lift and quiet hallways to reach Toys R US minutes before the launch. There is already 5 brave souls arrived waiting. And yes they are hunting the ultimate prey.
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